Website Revamp Templates & Contact
Interested in getting involved in BioGro’s website revamp?
You can download templates for producer profiles and case studies here. Submit images, testimonials and express interest in becoming a tester below.
Producer Profiles
All licensees can have a producer profile on the new site!
We’ve made it easy for you to contribute - download our template, fill out the questions, and send it to maggie.mabon[at]
Case Studies
Share your story by submitting a case study. We have detailed templates across multiple scopes which you can download and return to maggie.mabon[at]
Submit Photos
We’d love to feature your photos on the website!
Send in high-quality, colour images of your farm, operation, animals, products, people, etc. Photos should be around 1200 x 800 pixels. Branding or logos can be present, but they shouldn’t be the focus.
Submit your photos to maggie.mabon[at]
Submit a Testimonial
Help us promote your business by submitting a testimonial!
Your testimonial will be featured on the front page of the new website, alongside your name, business name, BioGro number, and logo.
Send your testimonial to maggie.mabon[at]
Register to be a Tester
We’re seeking licensees to help test and provide feedback on the new website.
If you’d like to be involved, get in touch at maggie.mabon[at]