BioGro NZ

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Submission Guide Available

BioGro has circulated a Submission Guide for the proposed Organic Products Bill that we hope will help you formulate your own submission.

What we would like you to do;

1. Read through the Organic Products Bill and all associated documentation
2. Read through the Submission Guide put together by BioGro
3. As an organisation, put together your own submission points and include any points we have raised that you agree with
4. If you have identified any points we have not recognised within our guide, let us know so we can include this within our submission using the form available - Please ensure all comments are back to us by Friday 15th May.
5. Make your own public submission by Thursday 28th May using the platform provided

We cannot stress enough the importance of utilising all public submissions made available to us throughout this process. We are in unique position to shape the sector in a way that makes sense to New Zealand - we hope you will join us in being an integral part of this.

We have received the below notification from MPI regarding the Draft Organic Regulation - this is now available to download from the MPI website.

In the meantime, to help you see how the Bill could work in practice we can now provide the draft regulatory proposals for organic food, beverages, and plant and animal products. The proposals can be found on our website.

 “This is not formal consultation and we are not accepting any feedback on the draft regulatory proposals at this stage. This draft discussion document is for your information only to help inform your submission to the Select Committee on the Bill. We will formally consult on the proposed regulations at a later stage.

 With regards to engaging with you in the development of the national organic standard, this will also occur at a later stage. This work will involve significant sector input throughout the process, so we will take a highly collaborative, co-design approach. We will be talking to those that are currently involved in, and those that are wanting to enter, the organic sector throughout the process. We want to draw on your expertise, and ensure that everyone has the opportunity to have their say. Everyone will also have a final formal opportunity to provide feedback on the draft Standard before it is published.”