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FSANZ P1055 Proposal - How to Take Action!

What is Proposal P1055?

Proposal P1055 seeks to redefine what constitutes gene technology and new breeding techniques (NBTs) under food standards law. The proposal aims to update the definitions used to classify genetic modifications in food production. This could impact how various techniques, such as CRISPR and other gene-editing methods, are regulated in the food and agricultural industries.

Why BioGro and the Organic Sector Oppose Proposal P1055

At BioGro, we stand firmly against Proposal P1055, and here’s why:

The proposed shift from a “process-based” to an “outcome-based” definition of GM foods raises significant concerns. This change could compromise transparency, making it more difficult for consumers to identify whether their food has been produced using gene technology.

We’re particularly troubled by FSANZ's decision to exclude New Breeding Techniques (NBT) foods and refined ingredients from pre-market assessment, under the claim that they present no greater risk than conventional foods. This approach threatens to erode consumer trust and undermine the integrity of organic labeling, which relies on full traceability and clear labeling of all GM ingredients. Recent studies show the claim is also incorrect.

Despite public calls for clear labeling of GM and gene-edited foods, FSANZ has indicated that GM labeling is "out of scope" for this proposal, although some changes to labeling provisions are suggested.

FSANZ during a webinar on 02 September, that “FSANZ is not concerned with the brand of New Zealand food,” at BioGro we are concerned that a $440 billion value has not been considered.

BioGro’s Commitment

BioGro remains committed to upholding the principles of organic farming. We believe that any changes to the definitions of gene technology must be approached with caution, prioritising transparency, consumer choice, and the integrity of organic farming systems.

How You Can Help: Take Action Against Proposal P1055

Your voice matters in the fight to protect the integrity of organic farming and consumer choice. Here’s how you can get involved:

1. Request an Extension to the Submission Process

To ensure that all stakeholders have adequate time to review and respond to Proposal P1055, it's crucial to ask for an extension to the submission process. Organic Aotearoa New Zealand has created a guide and template on how you can request this extension.

2. Make Your Voice Heard: Submit Your Feedback

BioGro has developed a short guide on how you can make a formal submission against Proposal P1055. Your feedback is vital to demonstrating widespread opposition to the proposed changes.

Steps to Make a Submission:

  • Download the BioGro Guide: BioGro Guide to Making a Submission.

  • Craft Your Submission: Use the guide to help structure your submission. Be sure to include personal experiences, express your concerns, and explain why you oppose the proposal.

  • Submit Your Feedback: Follow the instructions in the guide to submit your feedback before the deadline - September 10. Remember, each submission strengthens the case against Proposal P1055.

3. Contact Your MP

Another effective way to oppose Proposal P1055 is by contacting your local Member of Parliament (MP) to express your concerns. MPs have a significant influence on policy decisions, and hearing directly from constituents can make a big difference.

Steps to Contact Your MP:

  • Identify Your MP: Find the MP for your electorate.

  • Draft Your Message: Clearly state your opposition to Proposal P1055 and explain why. You can use points from your submissions, OANZ’s talking points or personalise your message with your own view.

  • Send Your Message: Whether by email or phone call, make sure your MP understands the importance of this issue to you and your community.

4. Spread the Word

Encourage others to take action by sharing information about Proposal P1055 and the potential threats it poses. The more people who understand the implications, the stronger the opposition will be.

Together, We Can Make a Difference

BioGro and the organic community need your help to ensure that the voices of organic producers, consumers, and advocates are heard. By taking these steps, you contribute to the collective effort to maintain the integrity of organics and consumer choice in New Zealand.