Organic Wild Harvest Certification

Wild and natural products are any food or fibre products that are harvested or collected in areas which have not been subjected to any significant type of cultivation, grazing by domestic animals, or other forms of human management - this includes seaweed and natural plant fibres.

Certification can be achieved after a successful audit.

Applicant must provide evidence that the land has had no intervention for five years previous to application.

Organic Wild Harvest BioGro NZ Process

BioGro help you every step of the way, below we explain how your organic journey would look from start to finish.

Initial Assessment

Once you’ve reached out to BioGro, we will get in contact to find out more about you and your situation. After this initial discussion, if you are still committed to starting your organic journey, the below outlines what this will look like;

  1. We will ask you to complete and send a paper-based Application Form, we will invoice you on receipt of your application.

  2. Once the certification fee has been paid, BioGro will assess your application.

  3. Whilst assessing your application, BioGro will arrange for an auditor to visit your operation to carry out an on-site inspection.

  4. Following a satisfactory audit report, we issue you with certification, and supply you with our highly recognised logo. We then require a copy of the product label(s) for us to assess and approve before you go to print

What we will ask for

It is crucial that you send us all necessary documentation, and ensure that all forms are filled out carefully and correctly. We will give you guidance during this stage - below we list a handful of information we will ask for, but not limited to;

  • Site Map

  • Resource Contents

  • Sustainable and appropriate Harvest Practices


For an understanding of BioGro's certification fees, we encourage you to visit our rates page.

However, for a complete costing tailored to your specific needs and circumstances, we recommend you contact BioGro directly.

Our team will be happy to give you personalised guidance and answer any questions you have about certification fees.


Certification can be achieved after a successful audit. At a minimum, this can take up to 40 working days.

Applicant must provide evidence that the land has had no intervention for five years previous to application.

Expression of Interest

Tell us you're interested in organic certification.
We are available for contact on weekdays between 9-5, with a whole team eager to help you. The quickest route for contact is to register your interest.
Alternatively, you can email us using info[at] or call us on 04-801 9741.

Organic Certification Webinar

If you or your business are new to organics, our Organic Certification Webinars are a great opportunity to learn more about the certification process, hosted by experts from the BioGro team.
If this sounds like something that you could benefit from, be sure to sign up - so, what are you waiting for?




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