Organic Processed Product Certification

As a processed product licensee, you undertake the transformation of raw ingredients into a food product.
This programme is for finished products only.

A brand that has been certified with BioGro, can only claim their product as organic and use the certification logo if that specific product is certified on this scope and holds a valid certificate.

The finished product must be manufactured under a certified organic processing facility - for this you may obtain Processor Certification, or fall into one of two categories;

  1. You seek a contract manufacturer to process your products and they are already certified.

  2. Your brand uses a contract manufacturer that is not currently certified. This manufacturer can either become certified as a processor in their own right, or this manufacturer can be added as a contracted operator under your certification.

Scroll below to find out how you can become certified organic on our processed product programme.

Certification is a simple 4-step process

Organic Processed Product BioGro NZ Process

Simple, right?
Below we explain how your organic journey would look from start to finish.
If you are also manufacturing products as a processor for your own products and/or for others - you will also need to apply for Processor Certification.


This is your stepping stone to the initial assessment, which involves checking that you would be compliant for certification before you go through the more rigorous processes. This is steps one and two of the 4-step submittal process.

During this assessment, BioGro will require a breakdown of your formulations and the percentages of your ingredients. We will be analysing all facets of the product including all ingredients, additives and processing aids.

What we will ask for

For each non-organic ingredient;

  • A specification sheet outlining the full composition of the ingredient

  • A GMO declaration

  • A manufacturing sheet outlining how each ingredient is made, including any solvents/processing aids used

  • Names of all ingredients (INCI and the brand name)

  • Each ingredient and their percentages

For each organic ingredient;

  • Valid organic certificates


For an understanding of BioGro's certification fees, we encourage you to visit our rates page.

However, for a complete costing tailored to your specific needs and circumstances, we recommend you contact BioGro directly.

Our team will be happy to give you personalised guidance and answer any questions you have about certification fees.


This is all dependent on the complexity of your product, how quickly you are able to return the required documentation, and whether you are looking to export. Please let us know if you have a timeframe you wish to meet and we will do our best to accommodate.

Please be aware, it will take a minimum of 40 working days for full certification.

 Initial Assessment

If the results of your pre-assessment are compliant, and you are still interested in certification, this is the phase where you fully commit to your organic journey. This is steps three and four of the 4-step submittal process.

  1. We will ask you to complete and send a short Application Form, we will invoice you on receipt of your application.

  2. BioGro will set you up with your own personal log-in. Once we get you online, we will ask you to fill out the online forms.

  3. Once the certification fee has been paid, BioGro will assess your application.

  4. Whilst assessing your application, BioGro will arrange for an auditor to visit your operation to carry out an on-site inspection.

  5. Following a satisfactory audit report, we issue you with certification, and supply you with our highly recognised logo. We then require a copy of the product label(s) for us to assess and approve before you go to print

As mentioned above, if you are also manufacturing products as a processor for your own products and/or for others - you will also need to apply for Processor Certification.


This is dependent on a variety of factors that include supplying the correct documentation and auditor availability. At a minimum, it will take 40 working days.

What we will ask for

It is crucial that you send us all necessary documentation, and ensure that all online forms are filled out carefully and correctly. We will give you guidance during this stage.

Expression of Interest

Tell us you're interested in organic certification.
We are available for contact on weekdays between 9-5, with a whole team eager to help you. The quickest route for contact is to register your interest.
Alternatively, you can email us using info[at] or call us on 04-801 9741.

Organic Certification Webinar

If you or your business are new to organics, our Organic Certification Webinars are a great opportunity to learn more about the certification process, hosted by experts from the BioGro team.
If this sounds like something that you could benefit from, be sure to sign-up - so, what are you waiting for?




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