Learn how to grow kūmara from tipu, and how to save kūmara for seed. Hear about the ways Māori grew kūmara in colder climates and how observing the environment was imperative to the survival of Māori on arrival to Aotearoa.
Part 1
Decolonising time, reflections on Maramataka
How time can be told through environmental observations and understanding of our modern roles.
Part 2
Learn how to build traditional Tāpapa (kūmara seed bed).
Head outside to help set up Tāpapa beds. Learn the ways ancestors would pick where in the country kūmara would be planted, and how trees would indicate the timing of each of the plantings.
All attendees will receive a kūmara growing mini kit for home (valued at $20), with everything you need to grow tipu from one kūmara.
- Optional extra: pre-order a bundle of five kūmara tipu/shoots (to collect from EcoMatters in spring) to grow or share with your whānau and friends.