BioGro NZ

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New Trial Results: Biostart TripleX Suppresses Sclerotinia in Kiwifruit

When it comes to protecting kiwifruit from diseases, innovation is key. Recent trials have shown that Biostart TripleX, a BioGro-certified organic biofungicide, is highly effective in suppressing Sclerotinia. This promising development offers kiwifruit growers a reliable solution to reduce the incidence of this troublesome disease by an impressive 45%.

Sclerotinia, a fungal disease, poses a significant threat to kiwifruit growers – this is a big deal as kiwifruit is New Zealand's largest horticultural export, making up 55% of the total horticulture export revenue in 2023, the equivalent of $2.5 billion. It can cause considerable damage by leading to aborted fruitlets and scarred fruit, directly impacting yield and quality. For certified organic kiwifruit growers - where synthetic pesticides are prohibited - an effective alternative is key.

Biostart's TripleX, already known for its efficacy in grapes and controlling sooty mould in kiwifruit, has now proven its worth in tackling Sclerotinia. The recent trials highlighted that TripleX could reduce the incidence of Sclerotinia by 45%, significantly lowering the number of aborted fruitlets and scarred fruit. This breakthrough paves the way for healthier, more robust kiwifruit harvests.

TripleX is a biofungicide certified for organic production, that leverages naturally occurring microorganisms to combat fungal diseases. By enhancing the plant's natural defences and creating an inhospitable environment for the fungus, TripleX ensures a reduction in disease occurrence. This method not only protects the fruit but also supports sustainable farming practices.

In recent trials, kiwifruit treated with TripleX showed a 45% reduction in Sclerotinia incidence. The trials demonstrated two key benefits:

  1. Lowering Aborted Fruitlets: By reducing the number of aborted fruitlets, TripleX ensures a higher yield of healthy fruit.

  2. Reducing Scarred Fruit: With fewer scars, the quality and marketability of the fruit increase, benefiting growers economically.

These results validate TripleX as a tool in the fight against Sclerotinia, offering an organic solution that aligns with sustainable agriculture practices.

For more information on the full trial results visit

If you've conducted trials or have insights to share, regarding products certified for organic production, please reach out to us. Let's work together to enhance organic horticulture practices and achieve even better crop outcomes.